
Hi, I am Joseph Guenther your local electrical contractor in the Mid-Michigan area. I love innovation and utilizing the very best technologies to achieve flawless results. I really enjoy taking the principles discovered in scientific discipline, and applying them in practical use.

In 2012 I dived into the study of electrical technology through an associates degree at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg Kansas. After a thorough study of the National Electrical Code, Electrical theory, PLCs, Motors, and much more I graduated and began working in the industrial field. While working in the field I gained valuable experience and a passion for both building automation and steam.

I enjoy challenging problems that force me to use my mind to solve the problem. One of my favorite opportunities in the industrial environment was the rare power outages. What fired me up about these otherwise unpleasant situations was to see where various systems would break down, and making the entire system much better by strengthening the weak links.